Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Today I went up to the SLAC Linear Accelerator Center (formerly the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, name change because of copyright issues) to hear a talk about (wait for it Mrs. Bornstein...) dark matter. SLAC is at the top of a long (~2 miles) hill, which took me about 15 minutes to ascend.

After a hard day of physicsing, I headed home, which is a 2 mile stretch downhill, subsequently setting a new landspeed record on my bike...wait for it...30.5 mph! For the Canadians and Europeans who sometimes stop in, that's 49 kph!

Ok, so maybe it's not so impressive, but it was 40 F outside (that's 4.444444... C), which means 28 F (-2.22222... C) with wind chill. I really hope someone remembers to buy me new gloves:)

In other news, I put up a web page. It explains my research interests, and contains some pictures which may look familiar.

1 comment:

b said...

hopefully someone *will* remember to buy you new gloves.

Your subtlety is romantic.

today's "I'm not a bot" type in: divaban